不存在环境应力开裂问题。通常,采用加入玻璃纤维、金属添加剂或热塑橡胶的方法对PP进行改性。PP 的流动率MFR范围在1
~40。低MFR的PP材料抗冲击特性较好但延展强度较低。PP board is a kind of semi-crystalline material. It is harder than PE and has a higher melting point. Since homopolymer type PP is very brittle at temperatures above 0C, many commercial PP materials are random copolymers with 1^4% ethylene or clamp copolymers with a higher ratio of ethylene content.
Copolymer TYPE PP material has a lower thermal distortion temperature (100C), low transparency, low gloss, low rigidity, but has a stronger impact strength. The strength of PP increases with the increase of ethylene content. The vica softening temperature of PP is 150°C. The material has good surface stiffness and scratch resistance due to its high crystallinity. There is no environmental stress cracking problem in PP. Generally, PP is modified by adding glass fiber, metal additives or thermoplastic rubber. The MFR of PP ranged from 1 to 40. Low MFR PP materials have better impact resistance but lower tensile strength.